Wednesday, November 26, 2014

snow arrives softly

Today up and at it by 7:30, coffee to get both Britt and I going and she was off. I got busy buffing the project then dark waxed and buffed again. Reassemble and snap a few pics was next.(sorry cant show ;( )
I sprayed the primer on the coffee table about 4 times and in between painted the green frame the first step which was black. Seeing a deep freeze is to return I took the dogs out for their big walk. We have it down to about 45 minutes and once back we were all hot. It was really nice at -2.
 this is my view down
 D holds of the herd.. Lola observes cautiously.. then one my mixed bag of nuts and I go!
Since it was nice out and the frame was dry, I took it outside to sand. Gail called needing fresh evergreen so two of the dogs and I bundled up again and headed to the gate. I trimmed off enough to decorate her deck and her Mom and her visited and met Lola.
It was starting to get dark so back to the house. A quick bite to eat before mixing the paint for the coffee table. It got first coat and the frame got some white added to it too. As it dried I fed up the dogs and made some hard boiled eggs to sustain Britt and I thru the week. ;) I also added the drawer liners to the hutch.
The snow started to fall softly as I let Lola out at 7. She stayed out laying in it for a bit while I painted another coat on the coffee table and then spent an hour sanding and dark waxing the frame. Interesting to date, will check with my inspiration boss, Second Life Sally, to see if she thinks I am on track.
Britt worked after school getting home about 8:30 as I was getting in the bath. I watched a 100 episode and then went out painted the table one last color coat, scraped the glass on the mirror and left Lola out one last time and to bed to read as was now 11.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you and the dogs - keeping up the outdoor walks. I always have good intensions but never seem to be home in daylight hours to do that. In my retirement years I guess. Very healthy and keeps your lungs and heart fit not to mention teaching the dogs where the perimeter is. Keep up the good work. The projects are fascinating to watch as they change in appearance and sometimes even purpose. Great job!
