Tuesday, September 3, 2024

More new projects for the market underway

The day began early. Dave was out shortly after 7 to tend to the horses before departing for his golf tournament in Kananaskis, entrusting Cooper to our care for the day. We savored a coffee in bed to kickstart our morning. Then, it was time to tackle more projects for the upcoming weekend market after throwing laundry in. I transferred a stencil design onto an old crate and, after selecting a transfer for the table top, I painted Kaylin's small purple table's base black. Meanwhile, S was inside, busy with his laptop.

Once flipped I painted the table edges too

After lunch, we loaded the dogs, who were excited for a truck ride, and headed to town. First, we picked up the mail, then a rocking horse and sturdy shelves from a couple who were moving. Afterwards, I stopped by Walmart to grab cat food and a few groceries.

Once home, I unpacked the groceries I had bought. While making a glass of iced tea, I accidentally knocked over a bag of chia seeds, which led to a thorough hour-long cleaning of the pantry. It turned out to be necessary and looked great afterward. S settled into the chair for a nap, followed by some time on the laptop, as it was 26 degrees outside. Now, it's back to the garage projects for me. I've rearranged the furniture there and have taken out a magazine rack to begin sanding it down after disassembling it.

I decided to paint the tabletop black since I didn't like the color blocking with the transfer. After it dried, I sanded it down and applied the floral transfer. S took a break from his computer to help me—upon my request, he vacuumed the main floor and then assisted in swatting the flies that were swarming in the garage with a cold beer. I finished by applying two coats of clear finish to the table and one to the basket.

For supper, I prepared creamed sautéed beet leaves at S's request, accompanied by perfectly cooked salmon and the remaining vegetables from last night. While Britt attended to her evening feed, S and I walked the two dogs and two cats to the gate, checked on the drying wood chips, and returned. Britt then departed for home. S and I managed to unload the shelving pieces and load up the chicken coop stairs; then, he left for Matt's at 8:30 to discuss the electrical permit details. Meanwhile, I worked on the blog while watching "McLeod's Daughters." He returned in less than an hour, and I began a new book from the library as he browsed on his laptop.

chips are looking good but need to be "stirred"

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