Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Milk painting and oiling day

H wanted out at 6:30 again, and with a few get-ups earlier in the night to close windows after the wind picked up, it was another early start to the day. After the usual morning routine, I let the three horses out, leaving Roo in the middle paddock since she didn’t want to be caught. Dave did his feeding, leaving Cooper here, borrowed a saw and blade to cut aluminum, and headed off to refit his horse trailer in hopes of accommodating a few more horses on his long trips to Edmonton.

S quickly poop bladed the two closest paddocks and then graded the road. I did my marketing quickly and then got to work on the custom accent table, giving it a coat of milk paint. It’s been a while since I used milk paint, and I love how fast it goes on and dries. While the first coat dried, it was lunchtime.

S came in for egg sandwiches and a rest, and did some more research on skid steer issues. I went back out to sand the now-dry paint and applied another coat of milk paint after eating my sandwich. After his rest, S went out to finish the road and push the chips into a pile at the pit. Seeing it was a sunny 29°C day, I threw some laundry in. It was warm but windy, making it unpleasant to be outside. I made a few trips to the travel trailer to start cleaning out food, the bathroom cabinet, and clothes. We had planned to camp with the Stouts this weekend, but the weather is expected to turn cool and possibly rainy, so we canceled. The planters were watered out front, and the soaker hose turned on in the raised bed.

S was back in to browse online for a bit, then went off to remove a rear truck tire to change the brakes. I sanded the table and the top ready to seal it all up. S came in for a refreshment after deciding not to change the rear brake pads. I joined him for a cold drink and wrote today’s blog at the island. Supper was next—S BBQ’d burgers and toasted the yummy buns we were gifted, with fresh tomatoes. Tonight, I spiralized potatoes and fried them, along with fresh zucchini and sautéed onions. The last of the cabbage was cooked but not done in time for supper, so it will be enjoyed tomorrow.

check out the roots on the Egyptian walking onions compared to the regular, one needs a shovel to dig them out :)

I headed back out to apply hemp oil to the table after trimming Har’s nails. The top was also dark stained. I left the vacuum out, and S ran it around the main floor to capture dog hair and such. Dave was out early, picking up parcels delivered to our gate—thanks!

I ordered this raw Baltic amber teething necklace for Renn. Amanda felt they really helped all 4 of her kids teething. Hope it helps little miss.

speaking of little miss, this is her bath lighting party tonight

He fed the animals and even had time to chat with us while I cut off most of the tomatoes passing to S to put in box as the table oil absorbed in the near dark. He and Cooper set off for home before 8 today. S went back to his ball game, and I wiped off the excess oil and lightly distressed the edges. I then made yogurt bowls and we started a movie in bed but S was soon asleep so I watched more house selling shows in Sydney.

Kaylin sent me these cute memories showing Archie wearing his amber teething necklace

And Amanda sent this one of Archie reading a birthday card I had given him XOXO

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