Sunday, September 8, 2024

Evening ride

I woke up early, before 6, thinking I heard Tony, but I was mistaken. Lying there, I contemplated strategies to sell my goods and manage surplus stock. Eventually, I just brewed some coffee and read my book until S woke up. I watered all the indoor plants while he prepared his breakfast, which today involved an overflowing bowl of porridge in the microwave, necessitating a thorough cleanup. Once everything was cleaned up and he had eaten, he left for church, dropping off a mint plant I had dug up for a neighbor at the gate on his way. Now, it's time to focus on marketing my goods, starting with posting the green table for sale.

Kaylin sent this from yesterday <3

I addressed the OneDrive sync issue while crafting a Hometalk Post for our garden build. A friend, whom I had reached out to months earlier to offer a free chair from Britt's collection, finally came to collect it. It was challenging to maneuver it out of the trailer and onto the island by myself, but I managed. We had a brief catch-up under the scorching sun before she departed.

When S returned from church at 11:30 with some groceries, he assisted me in unloading the trailer and returning downstairs to the "store." B and Coop were out at noon—she did an excellent job cleaning the two water tanks and hosing the horses. Kudos to B. While I organized my products downstairs, S prepared bacon in the oven. We enjoyed fresh tomato and bacon sandwiches for lunch, which were delicious. After B finished, she also had a sandwich before heading back to town as the temperature rose. It was yet another day of 31 degrees.

Football was playing on the TV while soon S slept in the big brown chair. I managed to resolve the computer issue after several calls to support and a fair bit of swearing. Thankfully, my old computer is still set up on the desk, functioning like a second screen. This allowed me to keep writing tutorials and such, even though the other computer wouldn't share the photos. It was an ideal day to stay indoors with the A/C and catch up on computer tasks while S enjoyed his sports day in the comfort of the big brown chair.

look I finally grew some cucumbers but S says they taste bitter.. that is no grow for next year

and I picked a few calendula flowers for a holistic burn cream listed in my current essential oil book I am reading

I ventured out in the heat to dig up a box of potatoes for Ma K and also cut some fresh herbs for her too. Darren and Sharon swung by around 4:30 on their way to the Hat to deliver them, along with two boxes of apples. A big thank you to them for the courier service. We had hoped for a longer visit, but since they had Whitney's dog with them, we only managed a brief half-hour chat in the front shade before they had to leave. 

added garden tomatoes which makes it wetter for sure

I had dug up some potatoes for supper too and added an onion along with fresh herbs to accompany the sautéed zucchini and tomato that went with the burgers. It made for another splendid harvest meal. Expanding the garden was a great decision and well worth the effort.

It is 31 degrees out and these 2 are self training

Britt returned as we were tidying up after supper. We all ventured out, caught our horses, and enjoyed a beautiful ride in the golden hour sunlight. The night cooled off quickly, which was pleasant and there were hardly any bugs.

S came out late to catch his steed so B went for a loop ahead of us

beauty night

S and B have progressed to trotting a bit

I was leading Bird and let her "off leash" which worked great going away from home but she beat us all home on the way back which did not make Switch happy

 After hand-grazing the horses for a while, we returned them to the paddock and went inside. B finished waiting for Bird to eat, then she and Cooper left for home around 8:30. I prepared yogurt bowls for us and settled into bed to write today's blog. After the football game ended, S joined me in bed as well. We watched a movie called One Fast Move then we watched 1 episode of Luxe Listing Toronto - wow who knew there are places like that there!!

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