Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Errand day

It was another cool, mostly overcast morning. Dave and Cooper quickly finished feeding and were off. After starting the day with our tea and coffee, I went to release the horses into the winter pasture. Roo had to be held back to put her mask on, but eventually, she cooperated and was released to join the herd. I watered my planters while S waited in the truck, ready to head to town with the cargo trailer hooked up.

Our first stop was the dump to drop off trash and cardboard for recycling. Next, we picked up coffee creamer, followed by a trip to Canadian Tire where S bought an O-ring plier to properly fix the solar panel this time. Amanda joined us there to retrieve a t-shirt Archie had left behind during the kids' stay and to grab four packs of Marvel cards for the kids' collection S had secured with groceries. We made a quick swap of Miracle Whip for mayo. Then it was off to Walmart for swather oil for S, mascara for me, and cat food for our perpetually hungry felines. We dropped off clothes for the homeless and then went to pick up a dresser I had been offered. It's a large, ornate piece from the '70s, made of a combination of wood and chipboard, and in rougher shape than described, but I'm confident I can restore its beauty. The gentleman also offered an end table.

Before heading home to the ranch, a book was returned to the library. Harley decided to stay in the truck when we returned and had to be coaxed out after 6 pm, having spent the afternoon with the door open, lounging on her "couch". I made a potato salad now that we have mayo, and S popped a pizza in the oven for lunch. After lunch and some rest, S took the oil to the swather and checked the gate control box for mice along the way. I attempted to edit the photos of the dresser I took in the garage to improve them and remove the mirror reflection of our garage, but without success.

When S returned, I had him hold the mirror again while I took some new photos. Afterward, I began working on three pieces, applying stripper, and he left to meet a trailer repair friend for feedback on Uncle Jerry's trailer and to assist with our horse trailer lights. They ended up having a beer in the shop. I managed to strip and neutralize one of the projects, but the other two need more time.

For supper, I prepared a hamburger zucchini goulash and sautéed beet leaves (chopped by S) with a fresh onion and tomato stir-fry. After another delightful meal, I went out to check on the stripper; the end table's finish began to lift after four hours but required more time. The test on the school desk top showed no progress, so it was scrapped, scrubbed, and left to dry.

I was updating the blog when Britt and Dave arrived. As the sun quickly set and the full moon rose, I walked the dogs. Britt picked up Cooper on their way out, and Sheldon, along with the cats, joined us close to the house. I resumed resizing and uploading videos, and eventually completed yesterday's blog post while Sheldon browsed on his laptop. Then it was out to strip and scrub the one custom end table.

S was in bed on his phone when I came in. I made a yogurt bowl for us and we watched "the Fall Guy" movie and started A Cruise series before lights out.

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