Friday, November 17, 2023

S goes hunting, I go to the workshop

 S was up, coffee brewing and out the door around 6:30 am to go hunting. He picked up Todd in Okotoks and they headed to Chain Lakes area. Cooper was dropped off not long later. He chased a coyote off as I was marketing with a chai tea.

I painted the first coat of gold on the mirror. The coffee table top had a coat of clear done. Heading out to grab a bone for Cooper I met the FedEx guy coming down the road. He delivered the paint package I have been waiting for. Unboxing new products and my order was up next.

The custom cabinet paint was the main part of the order. Time to get the first coat all over the exterior. The top back edge and fretwork were painted a coat as well. While all projects dried I came in for a late lunch tuna sandwich. I wrote a Hometalk post for the white floral cake plate.

Left was where it left off last month and today after first coat

The gorgeous 14 degree sunshine called to me. The dogs and I looped the property. WOW is it nice out. Sheldon has a pretty nice hunting day if they are actually walking. Back to the garage I did another gold coat, still looking streaky over the white. 

The table top got another clear coat. The base was grey waxed in the edges. The clear coated top looks different color now so I added grey wax to the top. Think that helps blend.

A neighbor stopped to buy the peacock jewelry box for one of her grand daughters. I need to find another similar to do for the other one. I had another customer text with a dining table and end table she would like done. After multiple texts we will plan for the new year.

I came in at 4 for a bowl of yogurt and to put the jumbo black jewelry box on Etsy after removing the peacock. While there I also put on a sale in hopes of selling some more treasures. S text they have been skunked with only 1 hour of light left. They never even saw a white tail deer.

Back to the workshop. The mirror had touch ups and under edge sanding done. The cabinet had the inside stained walnut. The fretwork was painted both sides and touch ups done.

I washed up brushes and in for supper. B arrived at 6:45 just after I sat down to eat leftover ribs. She ate her leftovers, fed her horse and was gone. Time to update my spreadsheets as to what I am doing on these projects and get the next paint order started. Kaylin sent photos from their zoo lights night. What a beauty night to stroll around the zoo!


I have finally caught up the blog. I was working on tutorials when S arrived back home at 9. They only saw 4 mule deer and 6 elk cows at the end of the day. He had a couple beers and a burger at TJ's after hunting. An apple and a shower and off to bed to relax for the Prince. I finished up and joined him. We once again tried to watch Netflix with a partial Bodies episode finished and to sleep.

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