Monday, January 10, 2022

Weather change & headaches

the merc seems to get in every shot out front ;)

OMG what a difference a day makes in Alberta. I awoke when S went to bathroom jut before 6 then laid awake going over the last few days. The temperature is -1!!! A bit chunk of ice slid off the roof after 7 and the most amazing sunrise began before 8 when H decided to go out. Kaylin text she and her staff of 3 were on their way to the Nordic Spa for their Christmas party. I got the coffee going, fed the troops then enjoyed my cup getting some marketing going. S was up to get his cup and eager to get the truck unhooked. Shaina finally was rousted with a hot coffee after 10. She, K and I all have a weather change headache today but will take it with the warmer temps. S and I backed the trailer in, unhooked and moved truck to barn. I also sent the cats out. Time to scoop dog poop that has accumulated like crazy over the cold snap. I got half a bucket before Shaina came out and we all moved her gym stuff to the mez. Blankets were then taken off the ponies which I think they were most happy with.

Shaina was off to work and S to pack up some hunting stuff. I painted a pretty green inside the cabinet. S scrambled eggs and sausage for our lunch then he was off. Shaina went back to work and I to the cabinet to put a second coat of navy on. Deciding on the details is proving challenging as I like things to be more traditional and classic but also have lots of design stuff to use from my dedicated paint company this year. Yes I was selected to be a tier 2 content creator for Dixie Belle and now actually get a monthly stipend for painting my projects but I am now exclusive to the brand.

Shaina and I took Harley and J for a walk. Sun was hidden in the chinook arch and there was a bit of a wind though plus 7 at the highest! She headed back to work and I filled the 5 gallon pail of poop before H and I came in. A jewelry box was prepped with stickers removed, wood filler added and legs glued back on.

check out Shaina's cat training demo

I helped Shaina prep the last HF meal; mango chutney chicken then headed to lay down in bed as headache has not subsided even with repeated drugs all day which makes me not hungry. Sheldon who was now back gave Harley a bath while supper was cooking. She and S ate then he was off to TV room and her to her room. Britt and Cooper popped out to feed in the hurricane that started before supper. It HOWLED for most of the night. I tired multiple shows; Goliath season 4 is sooo slow, Marilyn documentary too old, Pillars of the Earth is not new as it says but the series from 2010 so I watched the new Coroner then cooking shows. Shaina brought me a saucer of fruit and brie cheese later, thank you. When I went for water I saw the horse blankets hung over barbeque deck were whipping around even worse then earlier with many all over the ground so I went out in the plus 2 hurricane winds to secure them all.

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