Saturday, January 22, 2022

Meat kinda day

Harley slept better last night, I think the night before her ear infection had noises amplified as she was up allot guarding the house but last night she slept well. I was awake at 6:30 and laid there till before 8 when she came in and laid by the bed. A few messages and brain games then it was usual coffee feed marketing. Plant watering up next including all of Shaina's downstairs she left in my care. The sideboard was scraped and washed.

Garage laundry was next with the car getting cleaned out too for our trip to the Hat. H then got a bath, she and I went out in the sunny plus weather to give cats raw and let them out. She then wanted to stay outside in the sunshine with J. Her bedding was changed before I got the blog finished and posted and some marketing as temps warmed to 8. I made a salad for lunch and was just sitting down to eat it when S arrived at 12:30.

super attentive assistant

He ate a bowl of salad then we got busy with the bison innards. I packaged while he cut and in the end we had lots of liver and 6 hearts for us and to share along with 6 tongues cut and packed up for H as well as some legs and tracheas. We finished cutting and cleaning around 3, S ran the bags of deer cleaned out of the freezers to the dump. Sad as it was a pile of food for H and sausage meat not to mention the work S put in to get it, skin, cut and grind.

loads of liver.. and look at all the deer wasted ;(

We loaded up H, fresh liver and heart for Ma and Pa and were on our way to Medicine Hat at 4. I watched some McLeod's daughters on the way. Of course there was a tasty meal when we arrived and an evening of catching up along with a battle of AB hockey game for the gents. I watched some more McLeod's Daughters for my evening entertainment.

these are photos submitted by Sheldon from the 8 cull bison day yesterday

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