Saturday, January 1, 2022

Hello 2022 - let's clean

The cold snap carries on into 2022, -27 when I let H out before 7. I love to start the new year with cleaning so I got Bruce back to mapping the main floor then fed the animals. Harley got a new slow feeder dish, she is slower but messier!

good news Bruce cleans in nice straight lines

and it seems Biebs and KD have their own "love shack in back while rest are in closer shelter

A cappuccino before it had vinegar ran thru to clean out all the pipes. The vinegar solution that was ran thru was then used on my shower head. The sun is out in full force and started to warm. They say near zero today!!!

I did a bit of marketing then posted the white cabinet tutorial I had finished last week and shared on a ton of sites and to the sponsors. The gal buying it has arranged to pick up this Thursday. I carried on with laundry and cleaning. The tree was undecorated and the last box of stuff put in furnace room. I moved onto cleaning the garage fridge and meal prep area. Busting out the house vacuum to get dog hair under the kennel when moved for Bruce to access and desk too.

Britt and Cooper arrived out after 1 to feed and take off all horse blankets. I sent the cats out to get fresh air and check their mice areas seeing it is -12. I was tidying in the dining room and noticed a dark moving thing along north fence. I had seen it earlier too but never stopped to look. The binoculars showed a bald eagle with crows and magpies all around picking at something. I grabbed my fancy camera, pulled on boots and a coat and tried to run closer and get a better shot. 

Wouldn't you know it my camera died as she flew to a nearby pole which would have made a fabulous photo. When he flew off he was HUGE and could be seen for a very long ways.

I bundled up and headed out to see what was there and found this! The dogs and I headed back to the yard, checked on Bruce who was back to cleaning then B and I went out and scooped poop in arena. I drug over the quad trailer and we have it, the poop bucket and wheelbarrow all filled to capacity. Need the farm hand to help us get rid of it Tuesday. I hauled the tree box back from the mez after setting the cats up with food, fresh water and turning their light on. Tonight is supposed to warm over night even more and be nicer tomorrow before going back to a cold snap so this gives them exercise and mouse control for a few days. B and Cooper headed home before 3.

A gal is arranging to come look at the grey coffee table but after many texts and calls I am not sure when it might happen. I took down the tree and boxed it by the door again for assistance from the handy man. The room was put back in order which is always nice. Laundry and tidying continued with calls to Kaylin who was trying to get some of her items out of the townhouse which did not go so well. With only a cap, iced coffee and a kombucha today I grabbed a pepperoni, cheese and the last of the coleslaw. Next up was changing the bed linens, another fresh clean thing for the New Year.

The coffee table gal called back to arrange pick up tomorrow morning, fingers crossed. Time to write the blog. I headed to bed around 8 (to leave stinky H farts) and it was now -10, at 9 a huge chinook wind started up warming it even more to -6, the horses blankets B hung around the railing flailed all night. I shut off This Is Us after 1 but again not tired so took a sleeping pill only to be asked by H to go out at 5:30, silly pup!

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