Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Coffee visit

The temperatures continued to drop as the winds howled and the snow started. It was -12 with a blustery snow storm coming from the north at 12:30 then when I checked the clock/temp at 3:30 it was -14 then -15 at 5:30 and -16 when H wanted out at 6:30. Today is was a quick out and back in to her kennel. That is a change of almost 30 degrees from yesterday!! After feeding her I did some marketing then made a pot of coffee.

Sharon arrived for our coffee date before10 with Harley getting her share of pets before heading to her kennel with a treat while we visited. I had taken the banana bread loaf out last night to go with our coffee. She was off at 12:30.

I did a bit of marketing, scraped the top of the dresser to easily remove the last paint job then H and I went out to feed the horses. It is a brisk cloudy -14 out so I kept the cats in but took fresh water and raw food. Back inside I wrote and Etsy sale ad for the jewelry box.

The sun popped out briefly after feeding Harley her first raw deer meal. For supper I cooked an actual homecooked goulash seeing no more hello fresh nor tuna or chips. I was washing up the dishes when Britt and Coop stopped out for his bathroom break, unload her horse feed then we convinced Harley to get in an empty box game :) Of course she did it. 

I wrote a Hometalk post for Britt's dresser with my iPad playing then moved to bed. S made it home at 11 from his week north.

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