Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Floral Cabinet Complete

Harley was patient today coming in at 6 then going back to lay down and again a few more times including when Shaina was up making tea for her meeting at 7:45. She was rewarded with breakfast a bit earlier. Shaina popped back up to get cereal and start coffee with I finished and delivered her a cup. I did a bit of marketing then headed out to work on the cabinet.

BRRR it was chilly out there at 16 degrees, I found S did not turn back on the heat after he was trying to get the smell out with doors open. It seems he has an issue with me in the garage first trying to smoke me out, then splash my projects out and now freeze me out :) I bundled up and hoped my wax would apply in the chilly temp. The cabinet was clear waxed then gold wax added along edges and to the knobs.

Shaina was off to train Sharon and work out after 11. She also took my Etsy parcel to mail, THANK YOU! I took raw food out to the cats and let them out. The cabinet was put together and hauled in to warm up :)  I wrote a Hometalk post for the cherry blossom jewelry box as well as one for the hardwood floors touchups.

comfy J?

Then it was staging of the cabinet.. it is a hard size to do but here is what I got. It is very overcast but PLUS 9 out.

Shaina was back at 2 with a tea for me as I was vacuuming up toe nail clippings from Harley. She was off to work and once done I took H out for a 2 1/2 km walk. It was a workout in the soft snow all around the perimeter , check KD's wrap then back to scoop more revealed poop piles.

A bit of computer work up next, my computer has had storage full issues for a year now and requires photos and such deleted to make room so today I went thru videos which consume allot of space. I added some furniture videos that were missed to their tutorials before deleting.

I cooked the first HF meal of the week; seed crusted chicken. while I was plating it up Shaina popped up and out to put kitties away for the night. This salad was DELICIOUS!! Totally would make again. Britt arrived as I was finishing up the pots and pans. She picked up the replacement robotic vacuum once again left at the gate. Shaina went out to help her give KD more bute and rewrap her leg then back to room/work. B and Cooper were off for home at 7. I finished up computer work and headed to bed before 9 and started a new series called McLeod's Daughters. It is definitely filmed 20 years ago and a starting slow but I did watch almost 5 episodes.

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