Sunday, January 23, 2022

Overcast Sunday

S took H out for a quick walk at 8 then back to bed. I took her for a longer one before 9 then back for a coffee. I along with H, was off to get Dad at 10 as the others left for church. Dad and I stopped at the little train house to pick up the frame I made to repair and a cord Amanda left and had a quick visit with Cheryl. Back at the house I hammered it back together as Dad and I visited and watched some CSI.

Harley loves her Grama and Papa scratches 

When the others got back Ma made a scrumptious brunch while we started the Yellowstone marathon. It was a lovely afternoon to rewatch season 1 and start 2. S and Pa had naps off and on but Dad enjoyed each episode. 

S snapped these on their walk

The sun popped out briefly then back to overcast then out just before supper. Ma made the most delicious hamburger and gravy with potatoes I mashed which we all devoured. It was topped off with an apple crumble, topped with whipped cream, ice cream and caramel sauce. S and I took Dad back to his cottage before 7 then back to pick up H and head home. Again I watched downloaded McLeod's Daughters episodes on the drive.

Back before 9:30 I unloaded and put H's meds in her ear while S took J to the barn but could not find Stella. I went out to find her right at the garage door and put her away then crawled into bed to watch more McLeod's. I am half way thru season 3 (there are 8 seasons) and Shaina is cancelling her subscription soon.

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