Saturday, August 8, 2020

Such a sad sad day

We had our usual coffee with muzzle removal in my housecoat. Lola got the last of her favorite fish skin with her morning pills too. There is a lady interested in the coffee table planning to stop later today which is great. I also had 2 interested in the polocrosse saddle after posting on Instagram this am. Seeing the lady was coming I got busy tidying the house and organizing the "store". I also put a clear coat of wax on the pepper grinder then dark once dry a bit and staged. The Etsy ad was updated. S mowed the ditches finishing up just after Kaylin arrived around noon to have new spark plugs put in her car.

We had some lunch prior too him doing that and a wee rest. B stopped out masked up and was sugared then hoses her horses's poultice off. Kaylin kindly sugared me up too, XOXO. B was off to the city before 2 to have a covid test. Kaylin had a rest while Sheldon trouble shot her high speed fan issue with no real fix. She loaded up before 3 and was off for the city. 

masks thanks to Auntie Deb XOXO

Lola & Cooper had gone off the deck as she loaded but Lola went around to the cool side of the garage to lay. I gave her a scratch and thought I would let her relax there for a bit. Not long after Sheldon suggested to pull the dying cedar in the island and had brought the tractor around. As I came around the garage to help I noticed her gone and Cooper. We called and started on the tree removal. 

That is when I got a message from our neighbor saying someone had just drove in to say a white dog was on the road. S and I jumped in the car meeting Cooper coming into the yard. My heart was praying the white dog was along the road but this wish was not to be granted. As we turned the corner we saw her on the road, hit by a car and left. A kind couple was there but in our shock we did not talk to them other then a quick thank you as we picked her up. There was a jack ass that flew around me as I was going to get her and to that guy I have other words.

We took her home in a huge state of shock, anger and unrelenting sadness. I let the girls know right away; Kaylin turned around on the highway back first followed by Britt was on her way home from her testing and Shaina jumped in her jeep from Banff, arriving before 5:30. The next many hours were spent petting, crying and an overwhelming deep sadness felt by all. Sheldon dug a spot by the others and we loaded her into her favorite merc and drove her down. On the way Lexi gave me 2 of  the biggest shoulder hugs that was totally not her character but rather Lola that was well needed. XOXO

You were LOVED beyond measure and gave us all unconditional love. Your unique personality leaves us all with so many memories and a special place in our hearts that will always be yours. You will always be our big white dog who gave the BEST hugs taught to you by another of best huggers, Big D! We were very blessed to have you in our lives. We <3 you Lo! XOXOXO

proud of this new poop collar

We headed back to the house after we said our goodbyes and put a couple pizzas in the oven. Britt and Cooper went home about 7:30. Sheldon got busy picking fox tail and weeds and had a sweet cross and LK on the grave with rocks. Kaylin and Lexi headed for home around 10 leaving the rest of us trying to go to bed and watch mind numbing cooking shows and internet perusing. It would turn out to be a sleepless night for us all.

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