Monday, August 24, 2020

Mr Jenkin's tries out condo life

I awoke at 5 am and my brain went into ideas to assimilate Mr J to indoor living. Britt is going to take him to the condo and see how it works. This would give Cooper a day friend too we are hoping. I could not fall asleep till after 7 thinking of ideas but think I got some good ones.

Such a good mouser and easy keeper this girl is

I let Lexi and J out then got the cappuccino going and on to marketing. Then J was brought inside as he continues to cry when let out. I am not sure if he is just wanting someone to pet him or if he is calling Mitz or if he is mourning her disappearance but bet it is all 3. He did well especially with Lexi on high alert that he must be after her food and not liking him in the house. 

Oh Lexi.. good thing he is not worried about you

This is what you find when you leave water in the tub that you wash your feet in and Lexi jumps in to get a drink … the little marks under my foot print is her tongue marks LOL

He headed back out before lunch and found a sleeping spot to nap. The dresser customer arrived after 12; we loaded her up in her rental car (to be sure it fit vs her Honda civic) then had a short visit. She is a great customer who works as a travel agent. She has been unemployed since March but is enjoying catching up with friends and local travel in the meantime.

I worked on the dining table tutorial getting it complete and posted. Now it was time to kick my own butt to getting more projects done. The sideboard top was worked on trying some stripper then lacquer thinner on the water marks with no luck. I did some more hand sanding on the top too. Mom's doll had glue removed and the last area glued and clamped.

Then it was on to the little table dropped off yesterday to be painted to match the accent table. It was scrubbed and a coat of paint brushed on with bonding agent added seeing it was a faux wood table with shiny finish. The hazy smoky day hit 30, who knew. I thought it was to be cooler but they say the rest of the week will be.

Sharon popped by after 5 for a few beers and a catch up. I served pretzels and dip as our supper ;) Britt and Cooper were out at 7:30 and feeding Bird so we went to see Roo only to have the temperature drop quickly and a huge wind storm roll in. We waited it out in the barn for a bit then Sharon headed for home. I grabbed a jacket and took Switch's herbs to her having most blow out. B took off KD's wrap with no chance to hose as the wind was sideways. I came in with J after loading him a container of food and cleaning his kitty litter to go. I got some logs I think will satisfy his scratching and I loaded in a carpeted scratching pole he used as a rubbing post. 

3 amigos

B was back after going back and medicating Pepper's eye. Cooper and J were loaded in the backseat and they were off at 9. I did a bit of marketing then Lexi and I were off to bed after I put on the freshly washed sheets to start season 3 of Good Girls. Sheldon was home after 11 and was in bed and asleep in less then 10 minutes of walking thru the door, no shower just head on pillow snore.

J's new bedroom at the condo; includes elevated dining area, soft footing outside his bathroom and his favorite scratching log

and it seems he loves TV and Cooper was so stoked to have a roomie he would not settle down needing to show J all his toys and lick his face etc

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