Friday, August 7, 2020

1" 3/10th" of rain

Just after 5:30 I heard the wind pick up then thunder and before 6 a deluge of rain hit. This woke S who asked if the garage window was closed.. nope so he went to close and wipe the window/shelf then back to bed. It was still raining when I woke before 8, yeah!!

The coffee went off as usual but S was slow to grab the first cup till he woke at 9. I hustled out in my housecoat to remove muzzles. It was just misting a bit and let up. I checked the rain gauge to find we had 1" 3/10ths of rain!!! Well needed and thankful for that. The morning stayed cool at 13.

 I painted the large pepper grinder I washed up last night. Then it was out to set up the tack sale.

After his coffees  S ran the truck to town to drop off for tire rotation and pick up the merc with her fancy new tires. He was back before noon and made us lunch.. tuna sandwiches again!! ;) I was painting a second coat when he arrived back.

A lady and her daughter drove out from Cochrane to check out the tack and left with some goodies. Would have been more had another lady not called Britt's bling set. I coerced S to help me nail the backing/boards on the sign and drill the number holes. This takes a bit of time and multiple measurements. He then headed back inside to big brown and I put on the 2nd sealer coat.

The sun popped out around 2 but was only up to 15 so much cooler. I hauled in the table top hoping to get it completed soon. Seeing it was nice out and only 18 S was cajoled into getting some fresh air, He weed ate around trees and edges and started to mow. I pulled dandelions in the beds which pulled out easily after that rain. I put a coat of stain on the table top before we ran to town to pick up the truck at 4:30.  Lola always gets excited when the white car starts so she came along to for the drive.

These plants I overwintered in the garage and look at their blooms.

At the tire shop S jumped out to get the truck, some milk/cream and grab us Vietnamese for supper, Lol and I headed back home.

Britt and Cooper were out around 6. She caught Roo and tacked her I , I caught Switch and joined in on the riding. Today she made the next step to take her down the laneway and all was fabulous. She is so pleased with her behavior. I released Switch while she hosed and poulticed Roo's legs and moved on to riding Bird. She was fed then she caught KD to administer cream to a cut she found. S had come out and finished his mow then started a fire and surfed the interweb.

I hand painted the P over the stencil before chopping cabbage and putting the girls muzzles on at 8. I was finishing the Grey's season after a shower when S came in from the fire and showered up too. We watched a couple Yellowstone's before calling it a night.

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