Thursday, August 20, 2020

Lola's 6th birthday

Bittersweet day as today would have been Lola's 6th birthday. This sweet girl was at the prime of her life. She had found her life purpose of protecting the ranch and did it so well. Her huge presence is missed every. single. day.

Lexi had an asthma/breathing attack at 4:45 am. It seemed to last for a bit but think it was due to middle of the night wakeup. A bit of fresh air and a bathroom break followed and then back to bed. She can snore like a trucker too. We were just waking up at 8:30 when we got a video call from Deb. She and I caught up over my first cap of the day. A good customer confirmed she wanted the roll top desk so I cleaned it out and did some paint touch ups ready for pick up tomorrow. Ok I painted the black pull out top as there was a cup mark on it I could not get off.

The accent table was touched up too and once dry sanded and a coat of hemp oil applied.

The dresser was sanded on the body to smooth and distress then the top and drawer front lightly sanded and another coat of stain on.

Lunch was another yummy chicken sandwich with a quick tidy up as the Paetz kids (minus Archie) are coming after lunch. Seeing the desk sold I can now finish the buffet I had in mind for the area so uncovered it and hauled to the work area. The veneer piece that was off was glued as well as the surrounding area then clamped well and left to dry. Just in time as the kids arrived after 1.

We took a hike out in the 27 with a fire haze cover to see the horses then the cats but only found Mr. J. Asher found me 2 heart rocks too. Then it was back to the house to play until Amanda and Archer returned. They had a wee visit and headed home at 3:30.

Mr Jenkins is so patient with kids
I headed back to the garage to build new pieces on the back of the sideboard and brush cleaning. This lead to laundry being done. 

I told Asher I never have seen a heart rock and he found me two in just a few minutes XOXO

After supper I wrote a quick tutorial for the gazing ball as well as one for my Hometalk account post. Britt and Coop arrived after 7:30 so Lexi and I went out and we fed the 2 girls and sprayed them. They headed home after a short cat visit. I took some white flowers and chicken with Lola's favorite skin to the grave for her birthday treat. The sunset was amazing as always then back to work on tutorials.

Do you see the orb above?

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