Sunday, August 25, 2019

Vanity progress

Seems there was 1/10th of rain over night which is always welcome. I was awake at 7 but tossed until Kaylin let Lexi out at 8. Cooper was let out soon after, S started the coffee and we had a house buying conflab over our morning cuppa.

these two jail mates after getting poopy and muddy respectively

Very slow morning here. S did head out to look for hose needed for the fan coil repair after 11 with no luck. B loaded up and she and Cooper were off to their home at 11:30. I gathered more seeds and one more zucchini before working on sculpting missing pieces on the vanity. Shaina and Kaylin were up after 12 with Shaina heading to the golf course at 12:30 to work beer cart for the day. I came in to visit with Kaylin while we had a late lunch. She bathed up Lexi who got her usual green poop collar.

She and Lexi headed back to the city before 2 swinging thru town and saw the old house for sale. Sheldon was off soon after to get MORE fan coil parts and fill truck with fuel. I went back to work on the vanity gluing a wee piece of molding and sculpting a few pieces I missed including one on the mirror top that I took apart.

Once back from town S drilled 4 holes in this metal base on the granite island while watching golf as we had a beer. The day has been off and on cloudy, sunny and now occasional sprinkle. I picked apples and dug potatoes to go with the chicken I had put on at 5 and not long after there was a blast of rain, good timing.

pretty good size apples right?

Shaina arrived home from her day working at the golf course around 9:30 of course hungry. Luckily I had the chicken meal for her. She is staying the night again as she has her usual training days Monday and Tuesday.

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