Sunday, August 18, 2019

Polox day 2

Today we got to sleep in till 8:30 but I was awake before that and many times in the night checking the time. I made a cappuccino quick and we both got ready, let out and fed the dogs and on our way by 9. We made a detour to town to get B her McDonalds strong coffee (not my weak stuff) and a muffin for her breakfast and bought me an ice coffee. We were to Jac's to pick up Bird by 10. Switch was picked up earlier and played at 9 hence why I arranged for them to sleep over next door. Shelby played a 3 and said she did even better then yesterday.

B got Bird tacked up as I braided her mane. Shelby retacked Switch and both played opposite on the field at 10:45. Both girls lost their games but played hard ;( Switch was now done for the day.

There was a bit of a break as the lower grades played then B after one. It was a clear and hot day today hitting about 26, good thing this was not yesterdays temps. And in my morning haste I totally forgot to bring beverages along, good thing we had a big jug of water packed from yesterday. I did also get a canned ice tea which it has been 100 days since I had ice tea, can you believe that?

This game resulted in another loss taking them out of prizes. After bird was untacked and hosed both mares chilled at the trailer as things were packed up. Awards was done and after our goodbyes we were headed for home at 3. B detoured to grab us our first meal of the day: Vietnamese meeting me at the house as I was unloading the horses before 4. She gave Bird a dose of Bute; Tylenol for horses after her hard working weekend and they were set free to go graze in the sunshine with the herd.

We came in to eat part of our vermicelli dinner and enjoy a cold beer finally. B was wiped and packed up to head home by 4:30 promising to do trailer and laundry clean up later this week. She has it off except Thursday. She and limpy Cooper plan to lay on the couch for the rest of the day. Limpy Lola needs a chiro this week.

Oh Snapchat, your filters are so fun. I can be a red lipped gypsy in seconds then back to normal me

I decided I best get to my china cabinet project. The first coat of warm white took about 2 hours but it looks better white.

Inside I started catching up on the last few days blogs before heading out in the now 8:30 golden hour to give horses supplements. I am sad the days are getting shorter, I love the long summer nights. Back to clean up, blogging and a wee snack before Netflix relaxing.

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