Thursday, August 1, 2019

small bales sales

Shaina is off to Tony Robbins seminar!!

When we were having our coffee the skies were dark to the west however it did not take more then a few hours to become warm and sunny. It is so dry, we sure could use the rain. After coffee it was time to organize the recyclables to take to town and load up in the truck. We also drilled holes for the tray I had sanded up awhile back.

we ratcheted down the wood to stay straight

After lunch I went out to give supplements and refill the salt/mineral tub and took the quad and trailer to pick some poop while out there. It did not seem as hot at 24 but it increased to 27 in short order. S had drove to the gate to open it for a lady to come get bales then drove the quad for me for a bit till she arrived. She only took 5 but Buddy Bensmiller messaged not long after needing 12 and would be out after lunch. S got them set out and was off to town.

I had come in from the heat and started stenciling the tray; GATHER in chocolate. Buddy and his wife arrived around 3:30, I helped him load and he was off in no time.

I was back in to wax the tray and affix the handles securely on and snap a few photos. Now to write up the Etsy biography I mean sales ad :)

It was then onto writing a tutorial for the milk painted paper towel holder. S was home around 6:30 after his errands and rodeo meeting with some taco fixings to go with the burger and fixings I had ready. Yummy favorite pre birthday dinner #2!! After supper we ran back to town, filled with fuel, grabbed a 260 calorie large iced coffee (we thought according to fitness pal it was 160 oopps) then I dropped S at the mechanics to pick up the swather now fixed to drive it home and I was off. It only took him 1/2 hour to get home while I worked on blog posts and marketing.

Some Hutterite volunteers stopped out for passes and a visit with the prince. After that he started and enjoyed a campfire to himself. I popped out for a bit before heading back in to shower and catch another Covert Affairs.

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