Saturday, August 24, 2019

All the girls sleeping over

Sheldon, B and I along with Cooper were all up at 7:30 ready for a coffee. We were all showered up and off to town to view 2 more places and look at the one B put offer on again. Grabbing an iced coffee we did a quick run to Peavy for furnace parts then back home.

in the mail I got 2 sneak peek tickets to give away

S installed his new piece in hopes of stopping the leak in the furnace room. I cut back my yarrow, weeded and dead headed a few more plants before B and I went out and filled the quad trailer with a load of poop. S was updating his truck system and ran the trailer to the pit for us while I got dinner on. Fresh guacamole caused a real garlic fragrance to surround us for the rest of the day.

Cosmos and morning glory explosion

this little fellow I found by a green grub (which I assumed was a cabbage moth) and got rid of both. I later found out this is a swallowtail butterfly ;( They eat dill and will going forward always have a home in my garden

After a brief rest we all went out to load a couple more trailer loads then back in to rehydrate and chat about the condo offer a bit more. B will hold off for a bit and see about some new financing programs for first time buyers. She then chilled and got ready to head to Brooke's birthday party at 5.

S helped me haul the dining table outside so I could sand the rest. He moved his waterer he had going then picked another trailer of poop before changing oil in the quad. I did have him come help me haul the table back in as it looked like rain after B left at 5 and sure enough it came down not long after.

I cooked up a pot of chili for the prince and I followed by carrot cake / cream cheese icing for dessert. THANKS MOM!! Kaylin dropped Lexi off as we were finishing up before 7 on her way to a barbecue supper in town. Shaina is working at the golf course today and tomorrow so staying the night too.

while watching Netflix, these were my bed buddies

S enjoyed the evening in his TV room while I vacuumed the main floor sucking up the annual flying ant invasion then watched a few more animal Kingdom. Thunder rolled and lightening off and on, bring on the rain I say. Shaina was home after 10, Britt at midnight again and Kaylin last to arrive at 1.

these two!

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