Friday, August 16, 2019

RAIN!!! 1/2"

7:30 and awake, perhaps in anticipation to the rain that started after 8. I perused Instagram as my chances are limited still with it working only occasionally. Up and making cappuccinos I threw in laundry and got marketing.

The pink dresser was put on sale with hopes of moving it before fall, fingers crossed.

After a bowl of soup I got working on the china cabinet I recently picked up. Sanding then scrubbing thoroughly and leaving to dry.

Rain continued off and on threw the morning finally letting up early afternoon. I checked at 3 and there is just over half an inch!! yeah! Back to the cabinet to hemp oil the inside top and bottom and drawer.

A bit of wax work on the square end table then it was time to write up and get sale posts online for it. Again back to the cabinet I tweaked sanded areas then lined the glass with glossy paper for ease of painting.

Britt and Cooper arrived around 7:30, she and I were off to condition the horses in the brr cool wind but got it done. Before letting them out, bridal paths were trimmed with the contemplation of roaching but it is just this w/e so I attempted a few braid designs and think we will leave them. We loaded tack and feed and got prepped for the big tournament this w/e.

Back inside I made us a smoothie and we watched a horse documentary before she was off to her room and I caught a couple Animal Kingdom before bed.

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