Sunday, August 11, 2019

Paint and pillar tops

Coop was out at 7 and Britt back to bed. The coffee grinder went off at 8:30 and enjoyed on yet another overcast cool day. S relaxed in big brown while I got busy putting another coat of accelerator on one of the rulers then I began stencilling the measurements on the blue one and then the 3 stained ones.

left is two coats

B was up after 11, after some toast and cappuccino she headed out to ride Bird and then work on Roo's feet and do supplements.  S started on the pillar toppers cutting the wood boards to fit. I started the sealing coats on the rulers; blue got acrylic wax and the wood ones poly. By mid day the second coat went on and they were complete.

I spent over an hour on the phone with our IP and router company trying to fix an issue with Instagram not loading unless on data while Sheldon caught a nap in big brown. In the end, no one had the answer but S enjoyed his sleep.

Seeing we canned the ship lap wall, I got busy painting it white after taping off. Finishing the first coat at 2:30 I had 4 hours till second coat could go on. Britt and Cooper headed home with their finished laundry from yesterday around 3. Time for a refreshment break. S nailed the tops all in place as I prepped roasted veggies to go with the roast I put in this am. Another delicious meal I have to say.

After supper I put on the second coat of white paint and S routered the pillar top edges at my suggestion to give them more style. He is also planning to put a narrower level on them as well next shift off. Tomorrow ends his 3 week vacation. Cleaning up the garage and scrubbing brushes/rollers rain FINALLY spat down around 8 but was hardly anything. So much for the entire w/e of forecast rain ;(

Thunder rumbled later in the evening and when sanding the routered edges it did begin to rain. I caught up on blog posts and wrote a tutorial for the basket while drinking the smoothie I made for me and the woodworker. He was finished after 9 with just me left to stain the edges.

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