Friday, March 15, 2019

sofa table in progress

Shaina crawled in about 3 so I started some binaural beats to help us sleep but it was not the best. seems the basement is hot after this warm up phase. Rosie started cleaning at 9 when S alarm was set to wake. I let out Lola then put on coffee after lifting all the chairs and things in the way for Rosie. She vacuumed for 2 hours finishing up as Shaina left for her training just before 11.

Time to get to work on the sofa table. I applied another coat of ebony stain oil and then put it on the paint table. Over the rest of the day I added many colors starting with a full coat to the base of charcoal. When dry there were 5 milk paint colors applied with sanding between some.

The day was bright and sunny eventually warming to 6 again. Around 1:30 I set out to let Chanel out at Stouts as they were away. Not wanting the cats in the garage on my paint projects and seeing the truck was hooked to horse trailer I took the ranger. I thought I could go along the trees but soon after blasting thru the first snow bank I was stuck.

Luckily I found an additional 4X4 button and the ranger just drove out. I decided to take the safe route there along the highway. It seems at 80 KM/hr we may need a windscreen as even with sun glasses my eyes were watering. I let Chanel out sitting on the sunny deck visiting with her for a bit before jetting back home.

Seeing the table was in another drying spot I hauled out the end tables I started awhile ago. I decided not to continue with the black stain as it was stinky and seemed to repel on the wood. I sanded them up and painted them the charcoal I used on the sofa table.

The sofa table was sanded really well, my vision was aged steel, you know the white over grey/charcoal. I will continue tomorrow sleeping on my next steps, not sure if dark sealer or white.

Roo only needed evening meds so out I went giving them both a treat. I checked Roo's eye and it seemed to be more constricted. This is good news, I took off her mask and halter for some freedom. After tossing their bale I came in to eat the last of the roast and veggies, so good!

Time to catch up on blog and marketing. I am not getting much exposure and entries for my giveaway. Have you entered? Britt and Cooper arrived at 9:30, she settled him in quick then was off to Amber's birthday leaving Coop to hang with me. To calm his whining we went to bed. I watched the latest Riverdale the started the new season of Queer Eye with my bed buddy.

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