Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Busy day at the ranch

Of course with a pending appointment in the morning I did not sleep well. I also was up checking the horses in the night too. Awake after 7:30 I answered some early texts; one being the farrier coming between 8:30-9, now closer to 9. I got up and did marketing before setting out to catch the horses at 9 as they were running late. Looks like someone had a slip and slide during the night..

Switch and KD had their professional spring manicure.

Switch's abscess area (hole top right) seems to be doing well.

While they were getting done Yvonne stopped at 10 to pick up her chairs and stool, thank you!! Shaina was just leaving for her morning appointment and training then too.

I had no luck giving Roo her morning meds so let them all out to the big pasture, swept the barn and off to the house after 11. Soon after I was in I saw Roo and Switch napping in the rolled out hay. I was off to get the 2 nightstands chocolate washed. This is the tricky step but I got them finished at 2 as Shaina rolled in.

Now to get our lunch, meal #6 from Hello Fresh, the last one, beef stir fry. I was just finishing it when Britt and Cooper arrived. She was off to give Roo her late morning meds as Shaina and I ate. It was not long though and she called for me to come find the tube of meds that seemed to have fallen out of my coveralls. I found it at the gate where I had tried to give it to her and walked it to B at the hay to give her. It was a challenge for B but at least her horse to wrestle with ;) Roo is tired of people and meds.

Man the weather is warm albeit overcast, no forecasted snow here. The snow is melting like crazy hitting a high of 8!! Both girls headed to town before 4; B for an eye check up and S to sell a gym membership. I needed to do some marketing. The bread box fellow came thru with sending money so I had to update all sites it was sold and replace it on Etsy.

They were back before 5 and Craig arrived soon after to present the girls a lesson in investing. I think they learned allot and have some homework to do.

Shaina was off to double boot camps at 6 and then heads home. B, Craig and I visited for a bit before he was off home too. She and I then headed out to move Roo and Switch into the paddock closest to the house. This was a chore as Roo was not wanting to be caught and the gate was full of snow but eventually we got it packed down enough to close the gate. I rode Switch leading the pack until they all veered off to the hay but eventually we got Roo in too and gave her her meds. B and I rolled out hay Sheldon had collected from the mez floor in our new feeder system ;)

Daisy is hot on Roo's trail lol

Roo's eye

Then she and Cooper were off as it was now 7:30. Lola and I headed inside but after watching the two pace the fence line watching the other 4 eat at the hay I headed back out, grabbed the ranger and took them a bale and put it along the fence closest to the others. It was not long before those 4 came looking over the fence at the "good" bales.

Time to head in, grab another cappuccino and work on the blog posts. Eventually I had some left over tuna casserole at 9 then hit the shower as all the deep snow trudging and riding made for some sore legs. After watching Netflix's Walk, Ride, Rodeo last night I watched Book Club tonight. It was a cute show.

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