Sunday, March 3, 2019

Painting in the house kinda day

Bright and sunny once again and bitterly cold -27 and awake just after 7. Sorta like ground hogs day ;) Instagram scrolling and a post then onto marketing. Lola's tummy ache persisted this am .. phew.

The mirror had touch ups painted then it was clear and dark waxed. New hanging hardware was added and the mirror itself cleaned. All ready to stage and sell. Mirrors are so hard to make look nice with goofy reflections.

My stool was painted, white and the mirror color on the inside and after more debate, the Florence on the sanded down. oiled wood exterior. I liked the really worn look. When the paint dried it was hemp oiled all over.

Mid afternoon, the customer I was waiting on to decide for the captains chair had her daughter dropped off 2 of her own dining chairs she wants painted the same warm white color. As well as a little stool, the exact same one I did teal before Christmas but this one is light stained. I scrubbed it up and put on the first coat of the same teal sitting on the paint blanket in the glorious sunshine.

The hearts on the stool needed more sanding for a rustic look then dark wax was added to my stool. I think it is done, will see when all dry tomorrow.

Just before the sunset which is 7 now I donned my outdoor wear and tossed a bale for the horses. They also got a treat of oats and their salt/mineral tub refilled. They came running when called getting used to these side meals. Sharon text wind chill of -41 possible tonight again. Not Cool!

Back inside, I finished up yesterdays blog post then jumped in the tub for a soak. Shaina is training Sharon & Darren tonight at 7:30 then spending the night. Time to put on fresh bedding before I started a new Netflix series The Umbrella Academy. I was cautious but like it. Shaina arrived after 10 to eat, quick visit then off to bed.

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