Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Animal day at the ranch and a lost phone found

We were both wide awake around 7 am, go figure. The day is a sunny bright one again it will be a melter. Coffee and catchup as first day home usually is. My April 13th paint class has 4 ladies, all who sent a deposit so it is a go!! Pretty stoked about that.

B and Cooper arrived before lunch spending the day with us and working on animal projects. The first one she did was clean poop out of the horse trailer after her bowl of soup. Just after 1 we loaded up the soaking wet and muddy dogs and were off to town.

 hard to get all in but below you can see a wee bit of Cooper and none of the driver

Our first stop was to drop off the breadbox at the buyers parents.

Next to Home Hardware for so tap parts for my leaking bathroom tap; B, the dogs and I waited in the sunshine. Picking up 2 nightstands was next order of business before headed to the vet clinic.

These 2 were very funny. Coop was a nervous Nelly and Lola tried to act all confident but would have preferred to head back outside. They were weighed (L- 3701 kg and C- 22 kg) both given vaccines inc rabies and dewormer. Cooper had a heart worm test too which he passed. Once bills were paid and them loaded back up we were off again. This time to the grocery store quick where I ran in for a few things while the crew picked up iced coffees.

We were then off home where our Hello Fresh box awaited us. S headed for big brown seeing it was Tuesday while Britt  set out to catch Roo and Bird for our next project; bathing Roo. I donned my rubber boots and set out to help the frustrated girl who was having trouble. On my hike over I heard a yelping, worrying it was the dogs I had Britt wait and I headed to the highway crossing a ditch full of water. I could hear the coyote but not see him and since the dogs were not around I headed back. 

I met Britt and Bird and we set off to catch miss Roo. I led her to the barn once we got her. She was skipping around in circles most of the way and after closing the 2nd gate to the barn I noticed my phone missing. I had Britt wait with the horses while I traced my steps backwards. No luck so we put the horses in the pen behind the barn and both looked from the start. She called my phone as we walked then waited mid field, I went back to the highway and searched the water. I am sure looks wondered what I was doing running my hands along the slushy mid knee deep water. No luck so back to B who suggested Find My Phone app. I need to go back to the house for the password. Sheldon was just waking from his nap. The app Sid it was mid field, YEAH!! And using Britt’s phone we located it with the beep in short order, just after we closed the gate area. I was most happy, be sure you have yours turned on folks!!

Now we could get on with Roo’s bath, that is after B caught her ;) S put ribs on the barbque and held Bird for a bit while we tried hosing, bucketing , a cloth then back to hosing with no sprayer. Luckily it was such a beautiful +14 day. But looked fun bathing in snow. We finished up and moved them to the barn for Roo to dry. W had planned to trim their feet but after all the chaos we decided to pass. B gave her meds, let her roll and they were set free.

We went in to have supper as now after 6, S had his famous KD ready to go with the ribs. Matt came over at 7 to watch the Flames with S so off to the TV room they went. B had gone over to the far paddock to give be sure Roo was nice and dry and check them all. Once back, she and Cooper were headed back home .

I showered up and crawled into bed with my iPad watching YouTube how tos with some fancy eye masks from Kaylin.

funny ol snapchat filters 

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