Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Custom chairs all complete

Today we awoke to fog and still cold -21. Coffee and marketing for me while S worked on setting up more on his new phone. Moving to big brown he noticed he has a massage at 11:15 and it is 10:30. Quickly his was in the shower and starting the truck. He had planned to run to town to wash it and the horse trailer before unhooking so I was making a list and he was off.

Time to write a blog post for the grey side table then I got to work on the chairs. Sanding the press back then bringing it into the house to dark wax. Once complete it was time for a few photos then onto the next 2.

I was finished another one when S was back home with groceries, mail, beer, clean vehicles, my roomba1!! and a relaxed body. He unhooked the trailer and ran to feed Bones while I started prepping meal #2; chicken parmigiana. He rolled a bale quick and was back just in time as it came out of the oven. Again late in the day for lunch but early for supper at 3:30. It was very yummy. Who knew you rubbed the chicken with mayo before coating in panko crumbs?

The day was gloomy and overcast until now with a bit of sun peeking thru. Nap time for the prince while I worked on the 3rd and final chair. Whew and done. Now awake and a bit peckish, S was coached how to make fresh guacamole. He did great, we enjoyed it with chips as our evening meal. This big meal mid day may catch on.

S watched the dumbest show called Knight Fight while I worked on the blogs then unboxed Rosie; the Roomba. She is wi-fi connected so got all set up and charging overnight. She starts work in the morning ;) I showered up and crawled into bed to finish the last 1/2 hour of The Umbrella Academy season.

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