Monday, July 23, 2018

no guests coming

Sad news this am when Blair called to say that the Canadian embassy in London would not allow them to come to Canada. It seems that when you appeal your residency card and with a new electronic system in place there is no way to override the hold on your passport entering Canada. GEEZ and we let many every day walk across the border and offer to house how many refugees!! JT at his best again.

So now to get on with the day after our sad news. I went out to release Roo and Daisy from the fat camp pen and ended up brushing horses. S came out and joined me and brushed as well. We started water on trees as there is rain in the forecast so wanted to drain the tanks a bit.

check out my perennial daisies, the original is so much bigger then the fancy shredded edge variety

After lunch we hooked up one of the bale stackers and started the 50 minute drive to go 10 miles. It only took under 10 minutes to unhook and we were off stopping in town to do a private furniture consult. We loaded up the pieces and headed home to move the water and enjoy a cold drink.

Britt text hail hit at her work so we put all the machinery back in the shop, pulled in the planters, put away the mosaic glass ball and broke the horses into two groups. Sure enough the rain hit as forecast after 5:30 and in just over an hour that is unleashed its waters we got just under 4/10ths.

It let up as Britt arrived home from work before 7 as we were putting the pork souvlaki on the barbeque and I had fresh from my garden new potatoes I picked earlier. SO yummy! We were just starting to eat when friends who went to Boliva with Amanda and I stopped by from the city to swap rhubarb for fresh garlic and a visit!! Nice to see you Wally & Maureen.

The rest of the evening was pretty chill, Britt headed to the city as usual Monday. Forgot to share Dave won the $50,000 race on Sunday so pretty stoked.

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