Wednesday, July 4, 2018

back to work

Coffee as a motivator it was time to get back to work. I set myself a challenge to do so as my calendar is filling and seeming to pass fast. I was working on scrubbing a press back chair set up when the egg lady delivered eggs. I took the one chair base apart and completely reglue. The other needed a fancy spindle replaced so it got put in and reglued too and left to dry.

I started on the waterfall dresser. Drawer fronts were stripped, sanded and hemp oiled. The body was scrubbed and repairs made and left to dry too.

I had offered a fellow painter the stain glass inserts from the hutch I did while back. She popped by to grab and had an hour visit. I sent her home with a tub of stain too to try I no longer needed. I took a break and went out to hand water the pots and pick an armful of dandelions and took to the horses. I got the beds watered too but not the garden. There was 1/10th rain from yesterday I hope will tide it over.

Back to the garage, the chairs were sanded and had plugs added. The entire dresser was stripped and sanded as the shellac type finish was just too chippy. Of course then more repairs to the veneer edges that chipped and lifted. I finished up around 8 and ate leftovers for a late supper. Worker B did not get home till 10 after 3 hours of overtime for an on call surgery.

love long late summer nights, this is after 9 pm

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