Friday, July 13, 2018

31 kinda day on Friday the 13th

Today is even hotter with a slight chance of rain later. I did yard work and watering of flower beds and planters as well as pruning of plants. S hosed oil off the baler then put the spike on the tractor to move bales with A/C and a radio rather then the skid steer.

After lunch, I got to work in the garage on the jewelry armoire. It is such work trying to make someone else's crappy job better ;( I did sand more and paint the first coat of white on, mixed a custom egg plant and put on drawer fronts.

S moved the bales to the road and tried to get a small bale mover working borrowed from a friend. This did not go so well as something seized.

someone forgot to tie the last large bale when they unloaded it so it rolled out of the baler 

I ran to town quickly with Sharon to Farmers Market after 3 letting the white and purple paint coats dry. Mind you at 31 it does not take long and actually is hard to paint when so hot. We were back in no time and I staged the end table/nightstand pics quick before putting in spare room for her to pick up next week.

S found another hay stacker but he has to drive his tractor about 10 miles to get it. He set off at 5:30 as I got back to painting in the 31 degree garage. I was finishing up for the day around 7 when B rolled in. Sheldon text he made it and had the bale mover hooked up and was heading back. It was worth it to start laundry being back inside with A/C ;)

B and I headed out to ride as he rolled in around 8:15, the sky looked odd all around with a haboob looking brown haze. As I was riding bareback to the barn and B had KD and Bird, the horrible winds and pelting sand/dirt hit. At times there was brown outs.

We hunkered down in the barn after she caught Roo too and while waiting for it to pass, did Roo's feet then Bird's. S attempted to load small squares in the crazy winds but stopped back having bad luck with bales busting and falling off. It seems our bales are 4" longer then normal so the deck edges need adjusting. Once done he headed back out. We put the horses out as rising was not going to happen as it was almost 10 and it still was awful.

Time for me to cook us all a very late supper, After 11, S was back with his 105 small bale load. He ate quick then I helped him back the big unit into the shop in my nightie/housecoat then proceeded to unload only to have them topple. It was midnight so time to call it quits for the day. Shaina got in just as I did from working the golf course then hitting the gym. A quick visit and she was off to relax too.

1 comment:

  1. Did you sell those night stands? I buy them and put them in Stephs old room!
