Sunday, July 29, 2018

Another hot Sunday

Even hotter today and more so tomorrow they say. Trying to get a jump on the heat and motivated by a late start with coffee in bed, S went out and hauled the quad trailer full of crap to the pit then the wheelbarrow. His next project was cutting chain to make gates in the mez while I swept the barn floor from yesterday. I also gave my zucchini and squash plants a drink of milk/Epsom salt, yep that what a lady says works on YouTube ;) lets see if it works as I seem to have blossom rot.

Thanks to our environmentally conscious Shaina for providing the family with bamboo toothbrushes, no more plastic in the land fill!! XOXO

I staged the tables and stool for a few shots before they go

B of course did not rise until after 12 and then it was very slowly. She did continue her laundry and started to tidy her room, for real she says this time. It was 27 at noon hot enough I could have cooked the bacon on the deck for our BLTs ;) S claims not feeling well so spend the afternoon in big brown, B continues to rustle around in her room so I cleaned, hung a new metal art piece

  and moved the living room furniture around. That is so much fun.

It got up to 28 as we ran to town to deliver the 2 navy tables and pick up some free plants a friend was digging out. We picked up more groceries and rum and for supper grabbed a burger and a blizzard. When we got back home at 7:30 B had been wondering where we went not hearing me say we were off to town. Seeing there was no supper she changed and was off to the city to got for supper with Dave before 8. I got the plants in and watered quick along with the other planters. We enjoyed some relaxing time on the deck watching the sprinkler run before calling it a night.

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