Sunday, March 5, 2017

winter is back

Sunday was another brr cold frosty day. I was excited to get started on my final color on the red table so after a coffee I was painting it the pretty blue.

I also black waxed a leg of the white table for the buyer to decide. She went with the more modern white distressed so I mineral spirited the black wax off and gave the top a coat of poly.

left is black waxed, right is crisp paint

No one called the little wood end tables so I decided. I am going with duck blue and beech nut grey stained tops.

I found the legs still a bit wobbly even after tightened so with my epic handyman skills added additional screws to the extra holes. Of course my charged drill died after 10 rotations so it was all by hand. And we had no large head screws so with my great solution skills, I added a washer to each and snugged the legs tightly on. Good enough to dance on.. maybe ;)

Britt took Lola and Coco for a walk (to collect samples for her teeth cleaning surgery on Wednesday) which they loved. Snow was starting to come down like a ski hill. Now the milk paint was dry, the fun.. and to reveal all the colors!!

Britt was loaded up and headed back at 3 leaving me to do more computer biz work including finishing the milk paint lesson post. I then staged the table up so send a picture to the buyer. No more chippy here.

The snow let up after Britt was off but started again after supper, today only hit a high of -8. Typical Alberta winter up and down 20 degrees ;) Back in the garage I put a coat of hemp oil on the no longer red table then a 2nd coat on the little table bases.

  Once done I flipped them over and stained the top in beech nut grey. After the tops dried I was not totally sold so gave them a wash of white.

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