Saturday, March 4, 2017

what a difference a day makes

Oh how the weather in Alberta varies, today it is frosted over, blustery and cold, brrr. Bits of snow occasionally blew around too. Perfect day to be working in the garage. My morning had big excitement when I created my metallic raised stencil on the coral nightstand. It worked perfect. The battery finally charged on my drill so prior to doing I got the new knob hole in place.

I also added silver to the mushroom buttons on the bottom and put another coat on the top for a bit 
more durability.

The wee table was ready for round 2 and got a coat of the same creamy white I used on the recent bedroom suite.

The new red display table I picked up got a TSP scrub but I am not sure what type of paint the previous painter used. There were brush bristles in the paint, parts missed getting paint and once all wet it sort of scratched off so once dry I think I will sand well. This may need to wait for a nicer day to take outside. No need for red dust on the freshly painted white table right? Jessica the bedroom suite gal stopped out for her multi repainted drawer quick.

Time to snap pictures of the coral nightstand. This lets me finish up the blog post for it too.

Now back to the red table. I braved the blustery high of -1 day to sand it. I then used the last bit of yellow milk paint I had stored in the fridge to splash on it for a layer of color.

Don't worry, I have a plan ;)

The little table got a second coat and while it dried B and I ate quick and caught up on 3 episodes of Nashville. Hmmm well that I did not see coming! Then I was back out to distress the table edges again after this coat and whip up two colors of milk paint for the red table. While they thickened up I got another day of the blog loaded then headed out and put on the darker blue.

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