Wednesday, March 15, 2017

has spring sprung?

The temperature overnight was plus 4 and 6 when I got up. Of course as the day progressed and warmed to 11 the puddles became lakes by afternoon.

The projects continued. The round end table was grey washed and detailed. The hardware was sprayed black and put back one once all was dry. I hauled it in to stage. I will put a poly coat on in a day or two.

of course staging by the bed required a pile of vacuuming from under and around the old one which is a good thing right?

 The antique chair I chose to paint blue milk paint and used the new stain/oil finish to keep the fancy legs. The milk paint was sanded and coated in hemp oil.

before and after, the flash reflects it not as lovely as it became in person

The barley twist leg stool got a bath and new screws and plugs added

between all drying I worked on polocrosse club to do lists getting forms for insurance filled and write a sponsor letter. (Thanks Mom for proof reading it) I also got a message I won tickets to the pre show for the curated market in Calgary for Friday night.. now who to take as my date ;)

I saved $17 and had my second egg salad for lunch and for supper raisin bran so after my painting projects a popped fresh popcorn to eat while watching Netflix till 1:30 am ;)

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