Sunday, January 8, 2017

super Sunday

Sunday started cold and stayed cold. Time to get to work, the sample board proved hard to photograph against the bed in the basement. But in the end the customer chose the chocolate (far right)

It seems I forgot to fill all the nightstand hardware holes, darn so they got filled and left to dry. I gave my new paint pyramids a try setting up with the desk.

To start the day's projects I painted the salt and 2 peppers red. Throughout the day as things dried I added another coat of red then a clear coat of wax.

A customer stopped to grab this tray, I did her a custom purple job so very fitting.

With a pile of ripening bananas on the counter I decided to whip up some banana bread. While it was baking I ventured out to dump compost, feed horses veggie scraps, give Switch her supplements and then put a bit of minerals in their tubs. It seems only one shelter had salt in it. The ranch hand forgot to pick more up so I coaxed them all the way around to the shelter with some remaining and added the minerals there. Whew trudging thru all that snow was a work out but it was sunny and warm at -17 when your trudging. Since I was out I shoveled the walks and decks too. My treat was warm banana bread, YUMMY.

Now it was time to paint the dresser base and drawer fronts and the night stand bases. This took a couple hours + finishing just in time to wash up quick and meet the potato bin lady to return at 4. I quickly grabbed this missing piece from the desk at Rona and was back home in half an hours time from leaving! Time to put on the new drawer guide then dark wax the S&P set, glaze the single pepper mill then dark wax it too.

photos to customer showing wet distressed above for the "love it" and below just to make aware of character marks ;)

Then it was time to move onto Shandi's table. It may be small but it has loads of short spindles. Once I was done the first coat I cam in for a late supper.. of banana bread which was also my afternoon snack too. Looks like one loaf is half gone already ;)


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