Thursday, January 5, 2017

dinner with Dude

Time for finishing touches on the nightstand with a coffee in hand. A coat of poly on the body and the hardware got a touch of silver cream added. Snow softly started falling on this -4 day.

I was off to the city around 11:30 to meet Shaina for my Christmas present ; lunch anywhere and I chose Chop. I actually was there early so shopped in the mall scoring a coloring calendar for 2017 and a couple more super sale items. I met Shaina just after 1 and we had a delicious dinner and great convo. She had some time till her practicum at 5 so jumped in with me to hit Michael's and Costco and even two thrift stores!! She even found a sweet little china dish for her essential oils. I managed to find a solid wood desk and quite a few smalls. Success, thanks Shaina for the awesome afternoon.

I dropped her back at her car around 4:30, just in time to hit rush hour traffic out of the city.. BOO! Monica messaged from the booth where she put in her large cabinet that my teal spice rack sold!!

Here is the booth as it looks now with cabinet in it.

Back at the ranch I went to put another coat of poly on the nightstand to find my brand new brush hard as a rock!! OH NO! then the handle fell off, not good. I worked at renewing and finally left to soak overnight. I put a coat on with another brush and sprayed up the top drawer hardware to match bottom after installing new knobs and not liking them with the refinished bottom one.

The internet was crap again tonight so I did play a few games before I could get on to Netflix at 11:30 and watch 2 more episodes of The Fosters ;)

Here are New Years Eve photos of the girls I have to share.. looks like they all had fun.

Shaina took this snap too, of my yummy dessert and Grama and Papa

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