Monday, January 23, 2017

saddle sold

I had another one of those nights, nodding off around 10:30 but then thought I best change a few ads while the internet works. So was on the computer making changes and posting on social media hoping for some sales now the inventory is building up again till 2:30! Then go figure I awoke out of the blue at 6:30! Good grief.. good thing though as Deb called after 7 and we caught up on a 45 minute chat ;)

Now to do more touch up on hutch & add another knob. A gal stopped after 10 with her horse to try the smaller aussie saddle we decided to sell. She rode in the arena and chatted - she is playing polox with ranahan club- and left with the saddle an hour later.

Time to vacuum and move my recent pieces as best I can downstairs to make room for the hutch. The hutch will require the princes help when he is home tonight. Mopping and tidying and laundry and bed changes were all a part of my clean and purge day. I also posted large pieces of furniture on garage sales to keep my garage purge going, Sheldon will be surprised. He made it home after 10 rounding up his week and now having 3 off ;)

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