Sunday, January 1, 2017

1st day of 2017

January 1 2017, welcome new year. It was softly snowing still when we awoke and much cooler as forecast. Coffee and some catch up started the new year then I got busy tagging stuff to take to the booth tomorrow while Sheldon got his roast's garlic herb butter made and potatoes started. I also gave my new curlers a run, yep I should have learned on a head in front of me but eventually I got the hang of it. Going forward I will have less missing hair!

however after 2 hours I only got 2 that stayed curled, need product it seems

his secret mashing technique revealed

Britt was home before noon from her NYE party and sleepover at Brooke's. Surprisingly she looked not to bad after her night out. We even hung her new picture. I was notified I had another feature post on Hometalk, this one for the putty dresser. Overnight it had loads of views and by noon over 8,000.

I was lighting the fire as Grama & Papa arrived. Not long after the Paetz's arrived finally able to get out in the social circle now they are all on the mend from their Christmas colds. Kaylin & Lexi were the next to show then Shaina. Now all were here to make the night a great visiting games and delicious meal get together a success. Sheldon's hand crafted potatoes and roast  were scrumptious as was my cheesecake dessert.


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