Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday the 13th was a busy day

Shandi's text awoke me saying she was on her way to get her coffee table. I let out Lola, turned on the coffee pot, had a shower and was checking my emails to see if any sales when SURPRISE they were there in record time! So they got the pickup with my hair wet and fluffy housecoat! ;)

Sheldon was up working on work stuff and internet surfing while I put poly on top of the dresser and put knobs back on. He did come help me put on the doors and tada!

The little accent table got poly added too.

 snapped a picture of Mom's painted pot too

Britt was up later and rounded up the cats to send out in the sunny -7. It was such a lovely day, Sheldon donned his outdoor gear, grabbed his rifle and took off on the skidoo. His afternoon adventure paid off with one mark  eliminated.

I spent the afternoon sanding and scrubbing the rest of the antique dresser while Britt worked on another scholarship application.

check out all the lovely stickers, they were on the sides too

 soaking and orange oil got them all off, then off came the only 2 casters

once scrubbed sometimes old shellac turns white when it dries.. not going to work like that so it was sanded to bare wood, much better

Kaylin arrived around 6 to paint Ada's Christmas and birthday gifts. She had also picked up an oil filter so her Dad could kindly change her oil after he skinned his mark. Britt joined in to paint a bulletin board too. It was a bustling workshop for the next while.

I came in to make a veggie pack for supper and get steaks prepped. Shaina and Brad joined us around 7 for a late steak feast and visit then they were off. Sheldon was off to watch Flames game while Kaylin and Britt put their 2nd coats on before Kaylin was off home around 10 having to work at 7 am ;(

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