Friday, January 6, 2017

more snow

Well son of a gun the weather is all over, more snow softly fell most of the day but it was high of -15! I finished up the hardware on nightstand, hauled it in to stage and then to Shaina's room.

The new paintbrush is doing better, hopefully I can get all the hardened poly out and save it, dang epic fail. The garage however was a little brisk to work in at 16 (thanks prince for making that adjustment) but Lola loves it. I did tidy all my stuff up to start new projects and hauled out my treasures found yesterday.

Accounting.. always a fun sucker consumed a couple more hours before I jetted to town after 3. The snow stopped & sun popped out at 3 and really made the new snow sparkle and hit a -10 high. In town I found Mya her birthday present, grabbed my other parcel with an online win, dropped gifts at Paetz's to take to Oyen and grab my new pony tail toque, have a quick tan for our upcoming trip, meet a gal to grab a potato bin and head back home!

loads of fresh snow!

The great thing I noticed was it was still light at 5 pm when I got home but then darkened quick but  days are getting longer! The internet was crappy again so I decided to give my new calendar a go for January till it was up and able to watch Netflix till late yet again.

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