Saturday, November 23, 2013

942- more project progress

Day 942, Saturday and awake at 7:45?? why?? Oh yes Sheldon was concerned the cat food stealing magpies may be feasting on his sausage maker! He did make coffee and deliver a steaming cup once back in!
practicing his how to get unstuck skills before leaving

At 10 he was off to help Steve find another deer while I finished updating the blog and staging photos of my latest creations.

then got busy glazing the dressers, adding another coat of stain to the tops and putting first coat of polycrylic on them too.

I also added glaze to Gail's shelf for a bit of dimension
she is using in bathroom for extra toilet paper.. what a great idea I had :-)
I rustled Britt out of bed close to 1 and had her take the dogs for a walk as the day was lovely plus 1 temperature.
I also gave all the white items another coat, painted a small crate as well as another growth ruler as one was warped slightly :-(
I found a small amount of the green I used on the desk so upcylcled a frame into jewelry holder. Britt kindly took me up on my job offer of house cleaning and cleaned 3 main floor bathrooms to a shine. Thanks missy.

Shaina arrived home around 4, nice to see her :-) I was working on my hand painted sign order by a friend.
It was then time I cooked up a delicious supper and once Sheldon arrived home around 6:30 (successful at helping Steve bag his deer) we all ate together, my favorite part of the day!
Shaina was then off to Shannon's to make a tape to submit to Amazing Race Canada and sleepover at 8 after kindly emptying the dishwasher, good luck girls!!. Sheldon sat in front of the fire he built watching hockey as Britt washed pots and pans then was off to the arena to hang out with friends. I finished painting the edge of my sign before updating the blog yet again. Do people who keep a diary spend this much time updating it??
this is my view in the garage, amazing heh?

Kaylin called to say that the lady who drove 8 hours from fort McMurray arrived and picked up her mirror! Awesomeness on both the buyer making the drive and Kaylin for being the drop point!!

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