Saturday, November 2, 2013

921 - the snow returns

Day 921 started out ok at 8 am but by 10 the big fluffy snowflakes started to come down. And did so for the rest of the day but good news it stayed plus 1 and no wind :-) I went out to dig last of beets and gather some chicken wire and it was a perfect ski day!
I put a 2nd coat of wax on the whitewashed table then brought it in for staging

 super cute as small island or minimalist desk
 Shaina slept the day away dragging herself out after 1. Britt text quite early and was off to work for noon.

Then it was time to put together my jewelry/photo frame. A small glitch incurred and after fighting with Sheldon's stapler and getting it completely jammed Shaina kindly drove over to grab me one from Darren. His was much smaller in the hand and finer staples, THANKS Darren!! I got it finished up and staged some photos.

my stapler assortment, note the desk one was totally useless as was Sheldon's big yellow but Darren's "older than dirt" model was perfect size for the hand and staples.. where can I find one?

I also moved the cute desk I refinished downstairs
Next project was to paint the date I found for my pepper shaker but this gal had sticky finish syndrome so after trying sandpaper, TKO, stripper, paint thinner, screw driver to scrape and more sand paper with multiple washings I think I got it off.
Gail came out to watch a movie then I joined the for a few games of sequence. Britt was home white knuckled around 7:30 as Gail was heading back to town. Seems the wind has picked up now ;-(
I headed out to put a coat of paint on the salt shaker gal while the girls each did a dish chore, thanks girls!
Sheldon says snow has arrived up north now too.

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