Friday, November 22, 2013

941 - mighty hunter scores

Day 941 again brrr cold including 17 in the bedroom! Britt was off to school as usual as we relaxed. Sheldon thought nothing of the cool house temperatures and made coffee. But soon he was up and gathering his hunting gear. The outside temperature was -14 but that did not discourage him. He was loaded up and off around 10.

I got busy in the garage putting first coat of blue on tall dresser and doors, 2nd coat on long dresser and all drawers. Sand 2 growth charts and a new grandkids sign, paint 2 coats of my new paint on two sets of sal and pepper sets,

 beach glass color and below the left fresh with wax but it dries to the color on right.. how cool
Shaina pulled in just after Britt arrived home from school then both headed below ground level :-)

I started waxing my spice sets then after a slight panic with the new wax and consult with the dealer I carried on glazing them as well. I painted the mirror, sign and 2 growth rulers there first white coat of paint and painted Gail's shelf too. Such a productive day in the furniture shop!

Britt was off to a hockey game with a friend at 7 and Shaina off to socialize with her peeps at 8!  Sadly Britt got laid off of her job when at the arena :-( this accumulated with a week of lunch hour detentions from being late in the morning 5 times made for a bad week, big hugs B!

Sheldon got home with his big kill (an average 4x3) around 9 bringing a chai tea gift as well. He had a quick chips, salsa and guacamole with me before he went out to hang it in the shop. Time for hot bath and bed after yet another productive day for us both.
 deer being inspected by the resident meat inspector

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