Wednesday, November 6, 2013

925 - desk progress

Day 925 I enjoyed a coffee in bed, not hot mind you. It seems the Prince is used to servants and manged to make new coffee into the pot of Monday's cold! After some relax time it was time to get busy.

I hit the garage waxing the green drawers, spraying hardware again, putting a 3rd coat on the desk and chair and attempting to stencil the black number growth chart. This did not fair well so went back to my hand painting. Sheldon putzed around outside trying to shovel snow but ended up breaking it s put some hoses away. Shaina was up and off to town for lunch then ventured to the city with Emily for the day.
After a lunch of leftovers, he went to move gravel in the shop while I glazed the set, sprayed hardware yet again and hand painted the red growth ruler. The glaze was not quite right so I washed it all off and redid most. The chair still did not seem right so I finished up and headed in to watch Ellen.
Britt had taken the dogs for a nice walk in the plus 2 sunshine. Coco had somehow hurt her back leg Monday after we got home and still will not put weight on it. I had a call in to the vets and Dr Julie said to give her Medacam (tylenol for dogs) and by the time Britt took her for the walk she was a fast running tripod.

Supper was enjoyed by the 3 off us, barbecued tenderloin with stuffed potatoes on the barbi too. I went back out and tweaked my chair and desk legs to actually like, I love when a plan comes together! Shaina was home just after 8.. time for a hot bath after a busy day! Britt, Sheldon and I watched Jack Reacher which was not a bad movie for Tom Cruise even for a 2 hour one.

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