Tuesday, November 12, 2013

930 - Remembrance Day

Day 930 is Remembrance Day. The sun was shining brightly and most welcome. It even got close to zero. I worked in the garage tidying up, putting finishing touches including the hanger on the growth rulers, putting the hardware on the desk as well as adding more wood filler to the dresser leg.
Sheldon and Shaina changed the oil in her car before he went and pushed some snow around and fed the horses 2 bales.
A young girl who is taking equine massage stopped out just after 2 and gave both Pepper and Bird a nice massage. I trimmed Julio's feet making use of the time out there as well as Pepper's fronts. Shaina wanted to make Julio some food but ended up adding about 2 cups of kelp  rather than pellets mistakenly (kelp is usually a TBSP)! This was the child who added a cup of salt to cookies once instead of sugar! So she diluted it out between all 9 horses and her and Britt eventually had to drive the tubs closer to the horses who were head down in the bales.
I cooked up my home grown spaghetti squash with meat sauce for supper along with the last of my beets. The girls spent a good part of the day playing wii but took a drive to town after supper to fill with gas (in lieu of taking Shaina's car to the wedding dance even though Britt drove both ways) and grab an online purchase before heading back to the game. Sheldon spent a good part of the afternoon and evening playing candy crush and watching the multiple football games
I updated the blog and relaxed in a hot tub
this is the dresser I was blindly matching it too, what you think?

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