Friday, June 28, 2013

793 - party preperations

Day 793 was yet another gorgeous sunny day. The girls slept in after getting home at 1 am. Shannon stayed over but left at 9:30 and the others slowly got up around 11.

I got busy feeding hay to horses, feeding kittens and dogs and watering flowers and trees. This was the time sucker but they sure needed water with this heat stretch.

Shaina was off for her teeth cleaning at 12. Kitties Boo and Pip were picked up around 1 heading to their new homes. Sad to see them go but know they are off to great homes.

Once back home Shaina napped after a week of late nights but was up by 3 to hose KD cheek out and help get tidied up for the w/e. I cleaned and sorted while the girls hung streamers and a birthday banner. Shaina left for work for 5 to close and Britt then went to bed. I made tacos for supper!

A fellow stopped to pick up the old trampoline at 6:30 and once loaded Britt Steph Coco and I drove to town to Amanda's. She and the kids joined us for a walk to the C store for a sno-jo for Britt then DQ for treats for the rest of us. We stopped at their hose for a glass of water and quick snuggle before coming home at 9:30.

The girls watched Scream while I changed bedding and pitched hay. I then joined them as did Shaina who was home from work about 10:30. We all headed to bed around 11:30 but Shaina kindly ran and picked up the Aussie boys at 1 am.

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