Sunday, June 9, 2013

773 - buildouts get wrapped and wired

Day 773 the mason and his helper arrived at 9 am to get started on the build outs. After watching them step all thru my planters with no real concern for the amount of time, work and cost of the bagged dirt and plants Sheldon created a plank system to help alleviate damage. What I have found many times over is workers are just coming to do their job, they have no concern for your property. Lesson learned time again, do not be afraid to reiterate your requests such as do not drive on the hay field as the one you told does not always share with others nor remember! watch out for tall looming trees near you! You need a trash bin? Your rear tires on a bus do not follow your front tires in a circle!

the mason finished up just after 12, I foresee a huge problem with the actual stone work as he has already asked if I can move out all the plants! This is after Sheldon mentioned to him if he could bring 2X10's to make working planks to avoid compacting the soil. Once they left I found many of the lower plants flattened and a solar light snapped off!
Sheldon spent his work portion of the day continuing to move the soil and pick out the rubbish.
I moved horses to graze after feeding the skinnies then hand painted the numbers on Ada's growth stick.

of course the little kitties want to be held so did some painting with one in hand
almost finished
Shannon had stayed over last night. After showers and breakfast, she and Shaina made a quick scooping of horse dung out of the fatties shelter before heading to work at 11:30. Britt was slow on the uptake getting ready to go to her first day at Lammles, she was even 6 min late for her noon shift.
king of the castle
 snoopy girl
After lunch I mowed grass and weed eated at the gate. Whew it was very sunny but being fully dressed to whip weeds was a good idea after I saw how covered I was with green bits. I also trimmed more dead branches off our trees, some are doing ok, many are not doing well at all :-(
Britt was home from first day just after 4:30 saying it went ok. I came in for a quick shower and to make supper. Sheldon joined us just before 7 to eat, watched a bit of hockey then was back out moving dirt until 9. I spent time after supper making my famous granola and cleaning the pantry. That took 2 hours as it was in shambles yet again. Britt who has a cold laid in front of the TV all evening.

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