Sunday, June 9, 2013

774 - showery Sunday

Day 774 it rained 2.5/10ths thru the night. I awoke at 5 but fell back asleep till 9! yes Sheldon did not get up till 10:30, pretty sure he says YESSSS!
 I called saying I spotted the sneaky fox right outside so the mighty hunter took aim and made the perimeter safe for all cats. He went back to his computer before heading out to move dirt in the shop.
I got to work trimming the trees of dead tips and cleaned under all the evergreens  weed eating and hand picking and trimming
Kaylin stopped on her way home from camping just after 12:30 early due to rain. We ate lunch and Sheldon and I headed out to finish work. Britt fed the horses just before the first rain shower hit at 2:30. I came in and moved the old computer downstairs.
 Britt enjoyed the kitties company and Lexi was enthralled with meeting them

Sheldon came in at 3:30 and helped me move the vanity out and the round table in for staging photos.
Kaylin mentioned she would like it but will try to sell first as more always find there way into the workshop.
Sheldon ran to town for gas then as Shaina arrived home for a very short and unproductive day at the golf course. The rain came down again then too. Kaylin and I swapped pedicures!

Britt headed to the city with Grady and Caleb to see a movie at 5. Shaina, Kaylin, Sheldon and I enjoyed a most delicious steak supper with grilled asparagus and a potato/sweet potato/onion pack.. YUMMY
here is Shaina's ganglion cyst on the left.. she is hoping to be called soon to have surgically removed as it causes pain, downside is she cant play polox for 6 weeks if she does but hurts to play if doesnt
After supper the girls vegged on the couch until Shaina fell back asleep so Kaylin headed home about 7:45, I updated the blog and sale items on kijiji and online garage sale while Sheldon resumed dirt moving. I also put first coat of wax on the growth stick.

Britt was home at 10:30 having seen Hangover 3 yet again. :-)

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