Friday, June 7, 2013

772 - clay contaminated with debris

Day 772 trucks started arriving at 8 am. Today was flex Friday from school for Britt but for us it was an early morning. Sheldon is still enjoying his days off and does not go back until next Thursday when he finally gets to see the plant first hand. After coffee I got started painting the farm table's 3rd and final coat as well as waxed the base of round table. The gal buying it will come tomorrow. As I painted I let the kitties exercise but the little buggers found it fun to scratch and try and climb my legs. I took them down and deposited 2 of them in each girls bed at 10. I put some chicken bones on to simmer for soup supper.
 ankle scratchers!!
 just needs to dry well
Sheldon started moving dirt in the shop area. After feeding horses I decided to move the temp fence back so they could clean up the area to the shop, Sheldon helped me out. While out there, I noticed that the dirt had lumps of asphalt in it!! WTH that is not what we are wanting or at least what I wanted. I said that filling the pit and the arena with contaminated soil was not very smart and to pay for it was even less smart. I had suggested a load come first to see what the clay quality was and yesterday when the first arrived he thought it looked fine. I am not sure if he had beer goggles on but it was fairly obvious that the clay contained crap. Sheldon cancelled the trucks but not until about 15 more arrived. He spent the most of the day hauling a load in and picking out the rocks and chunks of asphalt.

Shaina got up around 11 after kitty cuddles, ate, cleaned out dishwasher and was off to work for noon shift.

Britt moved horses into the lawn grazing area and spent rest of time in the sun washing her car, first by hand then by hose.
 Pepper enjoying a roll and shake

Outside in the glorious sunshine I watered flower beds, weeded and cleaned up trash and nails from around and in shop as well as the rubbish pile they made. Sheldon already had cleaned up about 4 bags of trash from the pile. Guess we should have had the dump trailer over there and not holding a bale.

Around 3:30 the sky darkened and thunder started to roll, At 4 the skies let go and unleashed 3.5/10ths in a short time frame. Darryl the shop salesman stopped to check it out right as the rain came down, that and get the final payment. He stayed till 5 when the sun was back out shining. While he visited I finished up my soup. Marvin the neighbor called needing Sheldon and his skid steer so he ran to assist. Britt and I ate before he returned.

I went out to my workshop AKA the garage, and painted another coat of poly on the round table, made modifications on  Ada's growth chart, gave it another coat of paint as well as trying my hand at painting plastic with chalk paint. This little plant stand looks like wood but actually is plastic.

After getting back and eating Sheldon spent the evening watching yet another hockey game. Britt headed off to a friends campfire just after 7 and Shaina was home rained out of beer cart work just after 8 as I was just getting in and showering. Shannon stopped to pick her up and head to Ranchmans in the city just before 9. Another shower hit just after 8 while the sun shone!

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