Tuesday, January 29, 2013

645 - blusterry day in the city

Day 645 was cold, -23 at 8:30 and blowing snow. Sheldon says the wind has bite, yuck! Today of course I have 3 appointments in the city. Britt has asked Brooke to come along and they will go shopping and to the movies.

When we ventured out in the cold at 9:30 the sun was out but my car registeres -27 with blowing snow across the roads/ We Stopped to pickup Brooke and were on our way. I dropped the girls at Chinook about 10:20 and then made my way to downtown for my first stop, psychic Pat Gomez.

This was a very interesting hour. She suggested I quit my "boring" job and follow my creative energies and write children's books or anything journalistic and fun as well as do anything artsy. This is the area I am not fulfilling. She also said I could do presentations or lectures with my soothing voice. I did not mention I have tried various lectures with the girls but they don't seem responsive :-) She thought Sheldon and I should try Latin dance classes mainly tango and this will lead to a romantic trip to Spain! She said our girls are on good paths and doing well. Amazingly she was right on about many things and the hour passed quickly.

I planned all my appointments in a nice square and well timed, next stop was lunch at 1600 Bier Haus right close to the vein clinic. I had the most yummy quinoa wrap with spinach salad started with home made mushroom soup all washed down with a Bel beer and clam. The vein appointment well well with about 75 injections.
Back in the car I was off to my laser appointment. I first had a few acne injections followed by 16 minutes in the blue acne laser booth. I jumped in the car again only stopping to grab a chai tea before grabbing the girls at the mall at 3:30. This was not the last stop though, a quick stop at Costco to do a couple returns and grab a few items then we were on our way home arriving back at 5:30.

The gate area was blown in good this am but the enclave plowed thru as it did again on our arrival. Brooke did need a ride to town but by now my legs were achy so I put them up on the couch while Sheldon kindly unloaded the costco goodies. He had cancelled a blood donor appointment due to miserable cold so was not going in so Brooke's dad was coming to get her.

Just before 6 we saw lights at the gate and before I could suggest she call to let him know we would run her to the gate he tried to get thru and was high centered. No amount of shoveling, rocking or pushing would budge it and there were no safe area to attach a chain to, finally Craig called on star to have a tow truck sent out. They gave him a minimum 2 hour wait so they loaded up and came back to the house for hot coffee and baileys and a good visit. At nine they finally arrived and pulled it to safety getting them on the road and home.

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